How to Stay Safe While Boating During the Pandemic

Life has, for sure, become dull after the COVID-19 pandemic breakout. While the coronavirus has affected the global population and economy, many wonder how to get their lives back to normal.
All those sea goers and adventure seekers are cooped up inside, relishing their old memories. If you plan on going back to the sea to let off some steam, make sure you do it the right way. While we recommend not merely following only a boating blog or any other single resource for safety advisory, here we tried to highlight some of its methods.
Stay home and stay safe
Staying home is the best option for your safety as of now. Especially in those regions where the number of positive cases is still coming in significant numbers. Please do heed the authorities’ instructions and stay in-shelter.
Yes, we can understand your inner adrenaline junkie’s disappointed sigh. But, please stay healthy and well to enjoy all your upcoming trips.
Social distancing
The golden 2-meter rule must be followed, no matter what. The authorities often press on the importance of socially distancing yourself, and it is high time now we observe them.
Do not overcrowd the deck or the leisure areas, and forget the elaborate hug and greet. If you must say “Hi,” do it from a safe 6 feet distance. Remember, it’s you and your mates’ life on the line.
Virus-free environment
Below are the few tips for converting your boat into a Corona free zone:
- Please give it a proper washdown before embarking on the journey.
- Frequent sanitizations must be done while onboard.
- Give clear instructions to the crew on the dos and the don’ts, including public and private hygiene.
- Take the necessary precautions and safety gear.
The selection of the crew also plays a vital role in keeping the boat virus-free. Make sure to ask questions like:
- Have you visited a contaminated zone recently?
- Have you or your family member been to a different place lately?
- Were you or your family members been quarantined recently?
- Are you experiencing fever or related symptoms currently?
Do not be scared of sounding intrusive and ask all the necessary questions before taking them along with you.
Your face looks pretty. Please keep it as it is
Another essential task is not to touch your face. The itch on the face due to the salty wind or the hair in your eyes could give you good reasons to bring your hands to your face. But, make sure to wear a sailor’s glove or use your elbows instead of your hands.
Maintain a logbook
Keeping a log book with your daily updates can prove advantageous for the future. It can include information about your engine hours, distance travelled, and personal information like temperature and other symptoms. All these data could help in case of any emergencies later on.
Do not bite more than you can chew
Playing the lonely hero might sound appealing, but in case of a sudden change in weather, high tides, or other dangerous variables, keep in mind to return to safety as soon as possible. The times are more difficult now than ever. There may not be enough people around the dock or on the ship to help you in any emergencies. It is better to stay safe than be sorry.
Plan and be up to date
Remember that, apart from confining the world to their houses, the deadly pandemic has devoured more than half a million people.
So, before going on the water in your favorite boat, make sure you and your crew or family members are thoroughly educated on the current conditions. Plan safety measures according to the number of people on deck and the size of your boat.
While onboard, update yourself with the changing weather and COVID-19 news and be on guard in any sudden reports.
We can’t be confined to our houses forever, and, understandably, you wish to go boating or fishing during this crisis. Given, you take the appropriate measures with your local boat dealership’s support and inform the authorities. If you are on the lookout for the boats for sale in Vancouver Island, our team at Alberni Power and Marine can help you solve any queries on properly taking your boat out for a trip and high-grade equipment for the journey.
Please stay safe, stay happy. More power to you!