Best 10 Boat Safety Tips You Better Follow While Going On The Water

February is here, and so is the chilly climate. For all those adventurous souls whose spirit isn’t frozen yet, this is a month of winter festivals and ice sports.
Safety is a primary factor no matter the weather, but boating in Canadian winter requires special precautions and attention to detail.
Here are some boat safety tips for daring boaters who are ready to tackle the stormy winter waters.
1. Insurance and backup plans
Before rushing into the waters, make sure your papers are in order and dealt with, be careful while going over the insurance policies. Some of the companies only offer marine insurance claims for specific climatic conditions or times.
2. Weather forecast
Keep your eyes and ears tuned for the weather forecast. Prepare well in advance for the journey. If the predicted climate is rougher than usual, you can reschedule for a suitable day.
3. File a float plan
Are you confused by the terminology? It’s simple. Just let the local marina, your friends, or family in your plans, provide them with an itinerary of your journey, and keep them in the loop to avoid panic or confusion if or when the need arises. Let’s hope it doesn’t, but hey, better safe than sorry, right!
4. Wear a life jacket or PFD
Reports show that most of the recovered bodies of boating fatality victims were found without a life jacket. It is essential to check that all passengers are secured with a life jacket or a flotation coat, double over a Personal Flotation Device, PFD.
Please do keep extras just in case in both adult and child sizes to ensure that no one leaves without being adequately equipped.
5. Layer up
You know that Canadian winter is brutal, and layering up is always a good idea. If it gets too hot to handle, you can easily discard some articles.
Avoid wearing clothes that absorb moisture or trap the cold inside, as it could lead to hypothermia.
6. Boating course
Enroll you and your family in a boating course before an expedition. Both new and old boaters alike should always keep themselves updated about the rules, regulations and necessary precautions to follow. Please do not let the years of experience stop you from getting some extra knowledge.
7. Safety check
Schedule your boat maintenance on time and complete a safety check on the vessel before hitting the waters. One loose screw or dented shield may cause heavy damage during the trip if left unchecked.
Do an inventory on the types of equipment and gadgets and update if necessary.
8. Avoid Alcohol
Designate a skipper in-case you have plans of getting intoxicated while on board. Like Driving Under Influence (DUI), Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) is illegal and could lead to dangerous accidents.
The penalties for lawbreakers vary from fines to cancellation of driver’s license. This law is strictly enforced on the Canadian coast, and we recommend having a designated driver for your physical and financial security.
9. Need for Speed
Although the marine rules do not specify a specific speed limit while in water, boaters must always use their common sense while over speeding. Know your boat and its limitations. And keep that in mind while doing dangerous stunts.
Maintain a safe distance from other vessels, stationary objects, or shore to keep yourself and those around you safe and sound.
10. Swim with caution
The Canadian shores might be incredibly inviting for a quick dip, but please swim only in the designated areas. The stray power from the powerboats might create an electric shock hazard in the water.
To make your boating an incredibly relaxing and thrilling experience, keep yourself updated about the rules, surroundings, weather, and condition of your boat.
Maintain a cool head while boating and avoid excessive speeding or crowding the engine. Follow essential boating safety tips, and you are good to go.
For more info regarding boats for sale in Nanaimo or your boat and its equipment, visit us at Alberni Power and Marines. Our excellent staff and array of top-notch vessels are at your service.