5 Boat Service & Maintenance Tips You Should Know

The seasons are changing from winter to spring, and this calls for an annual servicing of your boat. This is an ideal time for a maintenance check, from winterized and stored away boats to cranked up and used watersport boats.
The first question is “who? “. Whether you are a doing it yourself boater with hands-on experience or a beginner who would instead leave it to the pros, here are some tips on the best way to service your boat.
1. End of the day visual check
After an exhausting haul or a relaxing day on the water, you should not make a rush to go home. When you hit the shores, go around the boat and do an eye sweep to confirm whether every gear is properly working and in their respective places.
In case of anything unusual, take it up with the serviceman nearby or look into it yourself.
2. Wash and wax
A good wash and wax could do wonders when it comes to the boat’s longevity. Boats like fiberglass require regular waxing after each trip to the sea. The blemishes or dirt on the vessel could end up hiding the leaks or cracks on the surface until it’s too late.
The fiberglass especially has a track record of getting chalky if not maintained regularly.
3. Engine care
One integral part of the service routine is engine care. Start with flushing out your engine if you were boating in saltwater. When in doubt, ring up the professionals or refer to your manufacturer’s guide to understand how it is done.
Change engine oil, check valve clearance, oil filter change, and make other recommended inspections. You can take the help of the professionals on an annual basis to avoid engine malfunctioning.
4. Lubrication and Painting
Works like painting the hull bottom and lubricating fittings might seem like small chores, but they prove their worth in the long run.
If your worries with leaving it with professionals are “whom to trust?” or “how far it would be?” then fret not, for most of the boat dealerships also service them for a reasonable price.
5. Know your boat
In case you are getting handsy with the boat by yourself or planning to hand it over to the pros, it is always crucial that you know your vessel. You can also visit a nearby boat repair facility on Vancouver Island to get more ideas about your marine equipment.
Read through the manufacturer’s guide and do thorough research before the purchase.
You can trust Google with their reviews or rely on word-of-mouth endorsement, which is a solid way to go.
Cost factor
So let us get to the common dilemma now, how much is it going to cost you? Put your mind at ease, for boat maintenance is not that different from your automobile maintenance and generally costs around 10 percent of your boat cost.
Investing in good and quality repair and upkeep helps keep your boat look and feel brand new for many years to come.
Each boat’s repair and service cost may vary according to the size, engine type, and drive of your marine product. It is always a bright idea to invest in your boat’s sustenance works at the end of the day.
Winner of Mercury CSI Service Award, Alberni Power and Marine is ready to handle your boats with our experienced staff and top-notch pieces of equipment.
For more information on great deals and dealerships near you, visit Marine Services Vancouver Island.